SC Citizens for Life has endorsed Richard for his commitment to protect the unborn, especially for his support of the Heartbeat Bill and for his letter to Gov. McMaster concerning abortion clinic closures during COVID-19. Click the logo to view the endorsement.
The NRA has endorsed Richard and given him an A rating as a “solid pro-gun/pro-hunting candidate who is an advocate for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.” Click the logo to view the endorsement.
The Club for Growth recognized Richard with the Tax Payer Hero Award in 2019. He currently holds an A rating and was one of three senators to receive the Club for Growth’s A rating in both the 2017-18 and the 2019-20 sessions. Click the logo to learn more.

The SC Republican Liberty Caucus has endorsed Richard for his commitment to maximizing individual freedom, reducing government size and taxes, and adhering to the Constitution.
The SC Chamber of Commerce has endorsed Richard for his “proven track record working with the business community in the fight to make South Carolina the best state in the nation to live, work, and do business.” Click the logo to learn more.